Anti-Spam Archive

(Video) Here’s what it looks like when a computer gets infected

McAfee SiteAdvisor takes a videotaped spin through some dark alleys of the Web. The result? A computer crash worth rubbernecking.
Note: the computer in the video is probably unpatched and otherwise unprotected. But all the same — it’s a good lesson in what NOT to do with your computer.

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Emails And Network Security

by Andrew Corner
With the number of small, home-based businesses at present, computers and the internet are fast establishing themselves as essential tools for business management. But the active use of computers in business as means of banking and other financial transactions has attracted unscrupulous individuals. These individuals come up with programs and viruses that are […]

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How to Stop Spam in your Email

by John Chan
Spammers commonly find email recipients by using a spambot by searching for addresses on websites, forums, or Usenet groups, for example. Another way is to use a name generating type of software which produces likely common words, names, or numerical combinations of email addresses for the sole purpose of sending spam. The […]

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