About Me Archive

Flickr Slide Show

Some pix I took with my Treo. Click below to watch show.

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The damn birthdays just keep on coming

by Ara Rubyan
Today is my birthday.
As usual, a couple of things occur to me:

You don’t get wiser with age, but you do get more perspective.
The thirty-five years that separate 18 from 53 passes in a heartbeat and/but your body gets the message before your head does.
The older you get, the more you become like […]

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How We Spent Spring Break

by Ara Rubyan
And now for something completely different…
Recently, Miss Julie and I took the boys on a short vacation to the Florida panhandle. We had a great time on the beach and I made the following video. Have a look…
See if you can spot the dolphins at the very beginning; hang around for the punchline […]

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